Policy Statement
This event is being organised by a local committee of musicians and jazz fans.Our aim is to promote jazz on the Isle of Wight. Members of the committee will not receive any financial reward. Inspected accounts will be made on request.
The committee will cover the cost of the main venues and headline acts. This will be funded by sponsorship, ticket sales and other fund-raising activities.
Any subsequent profits will go towards funding future events and a donation to charity (IW Mountbatten Hospice).
We will encourage other performances during the period. However, we will not act as agents. It will be the responsibility of the performers and venues to negotiate between themselves.
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Nigel Price
Nigel is one of the top UK jazz guitar players. He performed with the legendary David Axelrod at the Royal Festival Hall in 2004, spent three years with the James Taylor Quartet, has performed with the BBC big band and led his organ trio to first place in the All Party Parliamentary Jazz Appreciation Group (APPJAG) awards for “best jazz ensemble in 2010.
He is a well established member of the jazz community and is an in demand sideman as well as leading his own groups, preferring the organ, drums guitar combo but versatile enough to feel comfortable in a variety of musical scenarios.
He has encountered many different musicians along the way and is pleased to have played with: Pee Wee Ellis, Alex Garnett, Matt Wates, Bobby Wellins, Alec Dankworth, Alan Barnes, Martin Drew, Ben Clatworthy, Dave O'Higgins, Mark Ramsden, Julian Siegel, Mike Gorman, Mike Outram, Pete Long, Frank Griffith, Dave Cliff, Steve Waterman, Laurence Cottle, Anthony Kerr, Mornington Lockett, Steve Watts, Mike Janisch, Jim Watson, Graham Fox, Nick France, Sir Brian Iddendon, Geoff Gascoyne, Martin Shaw, James Pearson, Sam Burgess, Chris Dagley, Matt Home, Pete Whittaker, Sam Gambarini, Simon Spillet, Dave Newton, Spike Wells, Don Weller, Peter King and many more!
watch nigel duet with nigel on Speak Low